Animal Health Sheep

Oakwood have an extensive product range for Sheep Farmers, including own label vitamins and minerals and leading brands:

Adlam | Agrihealth | Agrimark | Allflex | Battles | Bimeda | Bonanza | Burgon & Ball | Chanelle | Elanco | Gallagher | Golden Fleece | Henke Sass Wolf | Kerbl | Natural Stockcare | Nettex | Osmonds | Prominend | Provita | Rutland | Siromark | Trusti | Welsh Shearing | Zoetis


  • Wormers & vaccines
  • Fly control products
  • Minerals & supplements
  • Milk powders & colostrums
  • Lambing and lamb feeding equipment
  • Lamb warmers
  • Hoof products
  • Marking products

Lambing Essentials

Lambing Essentials

Colostrums & Milk Powders | Bottles, Buckets & Teats | Battles Twin Lamb Drench | Growvite Multibirth | Lamb Response & Energy Plus | Natural Stockcare Aqua Lamb | Marker Sprays | Prolapse Harnesses | Armlength Gloves | Lube | Castration Rings & Applicators | 10% Strong Iodine Solution | Waterproof Clothing

Intracare Poultry Hygiene

Intra Hygiene

The number 1 programme to ensure the best farm hygiene

Intra Hydrocare | Intra Multi Des GA | Intra Foamcleaner

To find out more CLICK HERE or contact us

01939 291116

Rodent Control Services

We do pest control!
Leading the way in agricultural pest control.
Effective rodent control and prevention.
Audit and assurance compliant.
Covering Shropshire, Cheshire, Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Powys, Mid & North Wales. 

Oakwood Farm Services

Oakwood Farm Services…bringing the farm store to your door.

Look out for the vans!

Animal Health | Farm Hygiene | Pest Control

For all your farming supplies, call or email for a quotation

01939 291116

Oakwood High Energy Tubs

Oakwood High Energy Mineral Tubs 20kg


Click here to find out more!