Farm Hygiene

Oakwood have an extensive product range for Sheep Farmers including own label and from leading suppliers:

Agrihealth | Battles | CZF | Deosan | Intracare | Kerbl | Kilco | Nadins | Neogen | Osmonds


  • Lambing equipment and supplies
  • Cleaning chemicals and detergents
  • Disinfectants
  • Footbaths
  • Personal protective equipment, paper towels, overalls, wellingtons, gloves and other sundries

Lambing Essentials

Lambing Essentials

Colostrums & Milk Powders | Bottles, Buckets & Teats | Battles Twin Lamb Drench | Growvite Multibirth | Lamb Response & Energy Plus | Natural Stockcare Aqua Lamb | Marker Sprays | Prolapse Harnesses | Armlength Gloves | Lube | Castration Rings & Applicators | 10% Strong Iodine Solution | Waterproof Clothing

Intracare Poultry Hygiene

Intra Hygiene

The number 1 programme to ensure the best farm hygiene

Intra Hydrocare | Intra Multi Des GA | Intra Foamcleaner

To find out more CLICK HERE or contact us

01939 291116